Monday, November 24, 2008

“Look at me” he said. “I‘m proud of what I am”
I’m honest - most of the time,
And if I lie, it’s only because I have to.
I do it less than some I know
who think they’re relatively truthful.
I’m not unfaithful to my wife -
Not in any normal sense
When “normal” means
Sleeping with her friends.
There have been times,
I do admit,
I’ve been obliged to oblige
A friendly “bit of skirt” -
But always most discreetly, mind,
And with the understanding it’s
Strictly “entre nous” - with absolutely
No strings attached - is that understood?
I haven’t stolen anything since I was a kid,
OK. Yes. When my house was broken into,
I did inflated the losses;
Everyone does the same -
I mean - you beat the system if you can,
Or the system will beat you.
It’s what you learn at school.
“Look at me” he said. “Do I look abnormal?

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